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Jakub Sadowsky telling about his enthusiasm to cigars and photography

Jakub Sadowsky

Jakub Sadowski (Sadowsky) is ag. 29 old ,  local government official and uniweristy lecturer. Also photographer and author of SadowskyCigars.com.

PL – Po polski

CZ – Pro české publikum.

What was your beginning with cigars? Do you remember What was your first one, when, where?

Jakub: The first cigar I smoked was during my studies. I really don’t remember what I smoked for the first time, but my first conscious choice was a Dominican cigar with a Connecticut shade. As young enthusiast I preferred smooth and soft smokes. My real adventure with cigars began with Cohiba. However, I remember more the moment of chill out, relax and enjoyment of smoke, rather than the flavor.

If you ask me about my photos… this is rather a simple story. Usually, when I smoke I have plenty of time for myself and, as a result, after a few minutes
I started to get bored. I began to shot photos, because I wanted to have something like a diary of smoked cigars – a good thing if you don’t want to forget what you have smoked and you want to remind yourself what your impressions were.

However, my friend and my wifey, who saw my photos, told me to put them into network and make a blog and that’s how SadowskyCigars.com started. First, it was only Instagram gallery, after some time there was a blog and a page on FB. My dear friend (thanks Tomek!) made the logo for me and things have started getting real.

OK and just now. What is you cigar preference actually? Cuban or non Cuban cigars? What brand?

Jakub: At this moment I am non Cuban smoker. Of course Cuban cigars are great but I think rest of the world is constantly improving. I just love Nicaraguan brands – Rocky Patel (vintage 1992), Joya de Nicaragua or other brands like Oliva, CAO.

I was also surprised last time when I smoked Mexican puro (check out photo with strawberries).  I must admit that there are lots of brands I have never tried. My first choices were influenced by my cigar friend Piotr Kwiatkowski (cigarblog.pl), who always recommends me the best ones! (Thank You, Piotr!)

Do you prefer some drink to smoking cigar? Coffee, tea, coke, cognac, rum, wine, whisky?

Jakub: My favorite set is a cigar (of course :)) and a good coffee (must be in a big cup J), but that you can figure that by out looking at my photos. When I have more time,
I sometimes drink whisky. Last time, for example, I was drinking dark beer from
a small local brewery, and it was delicious.

Are there many cigar smokers/fans in Poland? Are They organized in clubs?

Jakub: Oh there are many fans in Poland. Of course – not as many as in the USA or other western countries in Europe. There are many cigar smokers who just smoke their favorite cigars, but we have a large group of aficionados who always look for something new – new brands, new flavors. I would call them active smokers, because for them cigars are a wonderful hobby. I must admit that I am one of them. 🙂

What is the most popular cigar place (lounge) in Poland? Which is a good place to visit. Can you recommend some of them?

Jakub: In Poland the cigar market is still young and it develops. There is no one “legendary” place, but in Poland you can find some large cities. There is a nice place in my home town – Poznań. It is a small cigar shop – I’m not sure, but I think it is one of the oldest. The owners are true admirers and if you have some time they can talk about cigars all day. They have a special room too! What’s interesting is that enthusiasts from Polish cities often meet during a big cigar smoking event either once a week or a month. This is a great way to meet new people and share our hobby.

As you can see on my blog I love to find interesting places like an old train bridge in the middle of nowhere, an old casino or a military base. When I just want to smoke and relax (without making photos) I prefer small cafes or a private patio.

 Do you collect cigars of limited or special edition?

Jakub:) I would if I could. For me, my humidor is often almost empty and there is not a big chance for a cigar to survive for long time. I think that I wouldn’t be able to resist from smoking them for even a very short time. Of course it requires some time, but I think that at some point I will become a collector.

Were you visiting some cigar festival? (Nicaraguan Cigar Safari, Cuban Habanos Festival or Dominican Procigar Festival) do you plan to do it?

Jakub: Oh I’ve never been to such an event, but If I had the chance I would love to. I was thinking about holidays in Nicaragua or Cuba, so maybe …

What are your other hobbies beside cigars and photo shooting?

Jakub: I love sport – specially volleyball and Crossfit. If I have some time I always try to visit my box (gym) Crossfit Respect. Crossfit is a great way to stay fit, but it’s also a great opportunity to meet friends. Besides that I’m interested in politics, good movies and books.

Do you want to say something to fans of cigars in the Czech Republic?

Jakub: First off all, I want to thank you, Petr for this opportunity to talk about cigars.  I must admit that I have a great affection for the Czech Republic, and when I visit your country I always meet great people. Some time ago I wanted to learn Czech language – I must try once again :).  Also I want to send huge regards for the Czech fans. I think we should support each other in our passion and love for cigars. I think together we can show others that cigars are something more, than a smelly habit. Little while ago, I started writing SadowskyCigars.com in English, so I want truly to invite you to visit and leave some comments about cigars. It’s great to exchange our opinions (maybe photos?) and recommendations. You can find SadowskyCigars.com on Facebook  and Instagram too.

Once again – thank you for the talk and best smoked wishes for all the Czech cigar lovers! Pozdravy a mej se na SadwskyCigars.

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