Cigars - Manuals

How to crop a cigar?
If you decide to burn your longfiller cigar, certainly you will have to crop it. Is used to crop the cigar cutter (cutter). Which type you choose ořezávače, is…Read more

How to light a cigar?
To complete the section guides, definitely include instructions on "how to light a cigar?“. Before reading this guide, I recommend, read the instructions "how to crop the first cigar?“, “rý je…Read more

The dimensions of the cigars
The cigars shape there are several basic sizes Parejo. These sizes may be different according to the various small manufacturers of cigars, who is sometimes named their own signs. In…Read more

The moisture content and the production of cigars
Almost every, who ever lit a cigar, He knows, they are the cigars, dry and wet, hand-and machine-motané. On the Internet, however, there are a variety of myths about…Read more

Burn-back humidoru