Cigar etiquette
Cigar etiquette is a set of unwritten rules, Cigar smoker should comply with the, for pleasant smoking a cigar and nerušení your neighborhood. Some of the points it is necessary to strictly adhere to the, others are in today's liberal interpretation of the. For better orientation, read our recommendations and opinions on a cigar etiquette.
1. Cigar ořezáváme tools for this process, designated by the
2. Cigar ignites doutníkovými matches or a lighter žhavícím (petrol lighters can affect the flavor of the cigar uncomfortably, ordinary matches are too short for the comfortable lighting)
3. Smoking a cigar, would not mind the rest of the guests, in particular, should be taken into account in the vicinity of seated women or children
4. Ring on a cigar, you can let the (in the past, the cigars he gave, to neumazali from the ashes of the gentlemen's white gloves, later, taking the, to show the price of the cigar was)
5. Cigar Smoking is not necessary until the end of, If you are a cigar taste stops, or is hot and nevychutnáte's pleasure, You can postpone
6. If you are a cigar burning unevenly or when smoking goes out, You can smoke it again (In the upmarket establishments will ash be clipped, but it is not necessary to. Conversely, it is inappropriate to let the cigar off deliberately and keep the rest for later)
7. cigar netípá like a cigarette, If it will no longer be smoking, only put it into the ashtray
8. never nešlukujte Cigar and smoke do not blow on the surrounding gentlemen
*This article was copied from the old cigar catalog. If you are interested in current information, look in our Reviews for cigars, catalog doutníkových tags or instructions