How to smoke a cigar?
If you have a cigar trimmed and burning, You must maintain it fired, to do this, the regular movement of the smoke into the mouth. In any case, cigar nešlukuje. For the correct temperature of the cigar popotahujte approximately every 45 seconds. More frequent intake of smoke, You will create a darker ash and cigar will overheats, You will burn into your mouth and enjoy nevychutnáte's. After dokouření a cigar, it put into the ashtray, but in any case it netípejte. If cigar přehřejete, feel free to put it, It's not a shame. If it is not too hot, you just need to slow down the frequency of smoking.
*This article was copied from the old cigar catalog. If you are interested in current information, look in our Reviews for cigars, catalog doutníkových tags or instructions