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Manufacture of cigars

The production of cigars is a long-term process. In the first place must be propagated seedlings for tobacco, which are subsequently commenced on the plantations, After dozrátí   of tobacco leaves are harvested and dried, or being fermented by. Dry, you may go to a stand-alone package, tobacco is válcován to the smotků the desired shape, převazován canopy leaves, which are usually collected the best of the harvest. After the cigar is under covers inserted into the mold to the next ubaleným cigars, When the forms filled in with a sufficient quantity of, forms with drag on the press. Po utažení je proveden test tahu, pokud doutník obstojí je označen prstýnkem a svázán do bundlu nebo vložen do krabice. Následně doutníky putují do obchodů nebo skladů distributorů. Více je patrné z videa o výrobě doutníků.

*This article was copied from the old cigar catalog. If you are interested in current information, look in our Reviews for cigars, catalog doutníkových tags or instructions

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