Cigars Ava
Cigars are AVO brand of high quality and are made in the famous factory Tabadom Factory, znčkou that is owned by Davidoff. Their silky creamy aroma makes them one of the best-selling Dominican cigars. Cigars are named after musicians Avo Uvezianovi, that was a very famous jazz musician and composer. Most people of this musician does not have associated with cigars, but his love for them led to him venování proper name of this brand.
His first steps in the cigar industry started with Henryk Kelnerem, the cigar factories have entrusted the manufacture of cigars, as well as such brands such as Davidoff or Cusano. The original mixes were often made up of multiple types of tobacco, that was mostly from the Dominican Republic. Cigars should be dřevnatou to a nutty taste, that is for each series may vary. Since its inception, the brand gets more and more popularity.
Information about the tag |
Mark | Avo | |
Producer | ||
Available line | ||
The Origin Of The | Dominican cigars | |
Region / City | ||
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Personality |
Top rated cigars, Avo
- Cigar 1
- Cigar 2
- Cigar 3
*This article has been taken over from the former cigar of the lexicon, If you are interested in descriptions of higher quality, It is recommended that articles about a year ago with the publication of the tags doutníkových 2012. All articles will be gradually updated.