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Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto

Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto

Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto is 133mm long Dominican cigar vel. ring no. 50 to be very attractive dark brown exterior,. According to the manufacturer's series Millennium Blend offer constant or gustatory experience is all the known cigars Davidoff. check you never forgive the metaphor of a series of Zino from check Class just because of the appearance of the covering sheet and also check the presence of the Dominican also leaves ligero in check contents of a cigar.

As I have already mentioned in the introduction, or, a dark brown and cover sheet (sun-grown) very hot, as well as to look at great design processing of cigars. More surprising, however, is an interesting earthy chocolate flavour.

Chocolate taste is, after all, the dominant in check during the entire period of smoking from his ignition until the end. The crop and the ignition of the cigar is smooth and sure in the beginning to be the taste of chocolate added to the fine coffee tones. You are later followed by cups tones and in conclusion could i be fine grassy tones as known from the series and Davidoff cigars or Zino Classic.

Although the strong taste of his total cigar are very elegantly balanced as in the check case Ashton VSG Eclipse, Tuba. Cigar Burns evenly and, is not over-heating. The amount of smoke produced by it is also rich and the only thing I can complain about this cigar is his ashes. This is a very nice light grey color, but in itself too holds and breaking the.

Regardless of this, rather a cosmetic defect, I must say, that this cigar can be subjectively described as the best yet from the menu or Davidoff. And if I can to check this cigar recommend drink, who will be the best snoubit, so, of course, goes for coffee, more precisely, a strong espresso. The CZECH market is easily available at a price of around 330Kč.


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