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H. Upmann Magnum 50

H. Upmann Magnum 50

My prvníhou tasting cigar series Magnum I nice day off Wednesday – How is the title of the show, It was specifically on the H. Upmann Magnum 50 – a little over six inches long cigar with a ring 50( i.e.. 160mm x 19.84 mm).Or by dimensions, This dvouprstýnkového cigar size Grand Robusto, It was clear, that won't be just a momentary matter. This classic Cuban cigar I was in humidoru around the year.

When selecting a cigar, I wanted to try something new and take advantage of the time that I had this afternoon. Non-traditional tuba me intrigued and open as I was pleasantly surprised, Thank you cigar storage in a tube at all times retains all its properties, that would have been otherwise affected other cigars without tubes. The cigar has a very good design, the cover sheet is kožnatý and his sinewy – the construction of the cigar I appreciate especially smoothly processed heel. In addition to the non-traditional closing of the tube is a cigar and two remarkable rings. The Aroma of a cigar before lighting very pleasant and slightly Woody – Thank you tube was the aroma of perfectly preserved even after prolonged storage at humidoru.

The crop was good zavhlčení perfect, the structure was not impaired and after careful nahřátí cigar smoke went without problems. In the first third of the well holding the ashes (I estimate around 4cm). Ash was the relatively dark, burning cigar initially uneven, but during the first third of the burning of the flattened. The smoke is thick and aromatic. In the first third of the cigar had a taste with a light dřevnatě taste the black pepper. This taste would gradually be moving to čokoládovo-kávova and the end should be purely coffee. However, this assessment is individual and each can enjoy it otherwise, I personally liked the cigar with a slight tint of cocoa dřevnatě.

At the beginning I mentioned, I'm a cigar was in humidoru around the year, for this time there were no problems with mold or disproportionate humidity, in a tube shape all the time was ideal and after removal from the tube cigar kept beautifully distinctive smell and taste. It should be comparable with kohibou siglo VI, unfortunately, I can't compare, all of the Siglo series I had the IV and h. Upmann Magnum 50 I commented the much kladněji, the only minor drawback is according to me the darker ash, which, thanks to robust construction does not too long. If you get to this cigar, I would certainly recommend him.

Photos before lighting the cigar

Photos of cigar in the course of smoking

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