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Pinar Del Rio Toro Oscuro

Dinner: Package 5 pieces for 7 doalrů (1,4 dollar/piece)- It can send it straight away for free
Availability in the Czech Republic: No
Time in humidoru: 18 days
The Size Of The: 6×50 (152x20mm)
The cover sheet: Oscuro – Brazil
The binding list: Dominican Republic
The Content Of The: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua

The Smell Of
Pata: Beautiful milk chocolate and raisins
The Body Of The: Once again chocolate and stable

The Design Of The
Very solid and free of defects. Double Cap tight and visible Seams.

The Appearance Of The
Very dark brown, slightly bumpy kryví sheet with two larger veins, and the glare with oil

A stroke in front of lighting
Free- just a little resistance

Taste immediately after ignition
Soft, sweet, oil and tobacco flavor with lots of spices and pepper at reverb. Smoke is lots of hutnějšího and the nature of the. Resonance is very long. Cravings mean the ad in full.

1/3 cigar
15 my – spices are significantly weathers had grown milder and added with milk chocolate. This cigar has a definitive character of dessert. At the beginning of the stroke is almost like a sweeter wine. Resonance is very long and nice. The flavours of the averaging a solid Center.
30 my – oily almost disappeared and otherwise continuing unchanged. This is the slow burning dessert.
52 my – at the end of a third. Burning slightly uneven, but it starts with correct itself. I'll probably repeat, but this is a delicacy

2/3 cigar
65 my – the wine's character a lot weaker, and now dominated by the sweetness of, chocolate, a little cocoa and sweeter tobacco reverberation with spices. So far, the great
80 my – in almost half of the. Small correction and cravings after two strokes back ,and now I don't want to say to normal, significant above-par facilities.
86 my – Add latte
100 my – He plays Tomáš Berdych and odbíhávám watch me snuffed out a cigar. I berated and properly znovuzapálil. After two strokes is all great again

3/3 cigar
113 my – at the beginning of the last third of the late changes to the delicate coffee and reverberation is more matured in tobacco. Illuminated even whit the forces which is responsible for the probably znovuzapálení.
130 my – the candy is less and vice versa coffee more acts
140 my – I'm done

Conclusion and evaluation
Absolutely excellent time of this size cigar. Cool thing from beginning to end, and I can't wait to try more Pinar Del Rio, that I humidoru. At the same time I'm also curious about the comparison with the version in Torpedu. Trocu that was probably caused by znovuzapálením or went without it. Burning uneven almost all the time, but it is for oscuro covers pretty typical and I was forced to correct only once when counting your negligence. Otherwise, I have absolutely nothing to reproach. Especially for the price.

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