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Cigar ethics

Once paying rule and sometimes even today continuing the idea, that smoking cigars is only for the rich, no longer valid. However, if you want to light a cigar is a good idea to keep a few basic habits, that neznepříjemníte her enjoyment to your surroundings. This article we write subjectively, as a cigar we perceive and how ethics and abide by the. Our interpretation is, in essence, a very liberal compared to the traditional principles of, This does not strictly adhere to the.

Before the lighting, it is appropriate to make sure, you're in an environment, where lighting a cigar, anyone nepobouříte, for example, in a small space where they could smoke a cigar someone bother when eating or the presence of young children. It is appropriate to comply with this policy and, where appropriate, and ask the operator, If you're in a bar or restaurant – sometimes it's good, because it will bring you, as well as cigar ashtray. If someone smokes cigarettes in the vicinity, so to these people, It is not necessary to take into account – the smoke from cigarettes to me much more uncomfortable than a cigar, and I believe, that smokers of cigarettes to smokers of cigars would reverberate not.

If you have a dilemma whether it is necessary in a society used to ignite a match, or even a traditional cedar wood, believe it, that's not true. In the traditional cigar ethics it is recommended to use matches, But if you want to enjoy a maximum of cigar, its the perfect lighting is better to use glow igniter. More to this topic you can read here . Cigar is stuck between the middle finger and index finger, the same holding as cigarettes may seem vulgar. Personally I don't perceive it that way, and maybe when the ignition is for ease of handling, from my perspective, suitable to hold the cigar between forefinger and thumb.

If cigar smoking is not a problem during goes out it re-ignite, usually this is caused by wrong frequency sniffing. In the doutníkových clubs before lighting the cigar section is trimmed again, that is burnt and ignites again as well as at the beginning of. If you don't burn only part and has not yet died completely dountík or burn unevenly, You can have a light cigar without cropping. As a completely nonsensical I let cigar uhasnout – crop it, and save the rest of the other day. The cigar is steeped in smoke and its complete cooling and new lighting for a long time you will experience just as agreeable. Again lighting a cigar when smoking Yes, ignition for a long time not.

Before lighting a cigar, you can take off the ring, It is also recommended in the traditional ethics--due to the Suppression of pomp and differences between the social layers. According to the rings is sometimes apparent in what price range with a cigar or cigar brand ranges. To abide by this principle, I also liberálněji. Ring on a cigar, I leave and I dokouřením it, to the archive – Alternatively, for wide smoke rings for longer.

The cigar is a good sniff frequently enough to keep burning-tempo is usually 1 x stretch for 45 seconds – 1 minute. Ash neodklepává as in the case of cigarettes. Cigar smoking is heating up the entire length of (especially if you smoke longfillery), ashes cigar you cool and odklepávání is useless. However, if you smoke the cheaper cigars, that the ash fall, or is the ashes too long it is advisable to wipe him gently on the inner side of the ashtray and help him to the disappearance of the. From cigar smoke approximately two-thirds of, but it is individual for each cigar and smoker. If I have a cigar and enjoy enough or give me a taste, I put it before you, Conversely, if you smell burning and tastes pleasantly, It is possible to smoke on. If cigar doukouříte or from jinéhu reason to postpone it further, and I do not smoke, doutní nezapačkávejte (netípejte like a cigarette), a cigar after the postponement of the ashtray goes off alone.

Ethics vs.. Etiquette
Occasionally you may encounter, as well as with the term "cigar etiquette", personally to me this term while nonsensical – etiquette is a kind of "sign" (the beer bottle). A set of social rules, ethics. Therefore, the term is used in the title of the article.

2 comments to the Cigar ethics

  • Iron Maiden Man He wrote:

    Krásné počtení. Díky… Především se ztotožňuji s výrokem: není nutné brát ohled na kuřáky cigaret. Bohužel z druhé strany už jsem slyšel pár negativních ohlasů, nebo spíše polo-vážně myšlených připomínek od přátel a známých (from 90% kuřáků cigaret), když jsem si v baru zapálil doutník (relativně kvalitní – příjemný kouř). Doutníky mi na rozdíl od cigaret voní.

  • Vili.s He wrote:

    mám stejný názor. nechápu, jak někdo může tvrdit, že doutník smrdí. já bych ho mohl šmuchat pořád 😀

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