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Evaluation of cigars

In the case of, that cigars do you smoke regularly, certainly you do yourself an idea about, What brand, a series of specific and cigars are good, What are the quality less and you would have never bought. Each cigar is first assessed by appearance, that's how cigar prepared, creativeness ring. With due partly to do another assessment parameter – design, under this concept, you can even specify what is a cigar ash and the ability to hold what is burning, stroke, the density and color of smoke and ash.

At the cigar, of course, every   it how he likes, the smell of a cigar and how it is a strong. Cigars fall into three basic categories, depending on the severity and each category has its own specifics. The power of cigars may be Mild (Mild), Medium to full (Medium to Full) or full or significant (Full or Former). Flavors each individually, recognition is very difficult and requires a great deal of concentration. If cigar consume wine or other beverage with a strong taste, It is possible to, even a cigar or a drink, you will not be able to fully taste the, but as I wrote it is individual and depends on the features and experiences. In trials, the most commonly encountered in descriptions of the taste of cocoa, coffee, grassy taste, skin, Woody, Walnut, spicy, gross, earthy, spicy or pungent.

It is the conclusion to the overall assessment to write a verdict to a cigar, e.g.. It's like I will give again, I highly recommend to buy etc., where appropriate, the assessment of the supplement as well as the price. / performance and the length of the combustion.
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