Partagas cigar brand history
Eighteen years later bestowed the name of Partagas cigars, as well as their own and opened a factory with the name of the Royal Factory of Partagas Cigars. Largest export factory in its early days employed thirty workers, who cared about the production and packaging of cigars (now there's two hundred). In the historical contests make great achievements celebrated cigars, When over the years 1867 and 1884 She won three gold awards, It is worth mentioning in particular the Golden Medal of the Universal Exhibition awarded in Paris.
The death of the founder of the brand was symptomatic of his profession, one day Jaime Partagas was found on one of their tobacco plantations in the Vuelta Abajo Valley (Pinar del Rio). The Valley of the Vuelta Abajo is one of most famous spots, high-quality growing cigar tobacco. After the death of Don Jaime's Partagase has several brand owners, of the owners are worth mentioning in particular, Ramon Cifuentes. Ramon was after the Cuban revolution and the nationalization of the brand offered a place in the State-controlled production, However, it has declined, and with the family moved abroad.
In currently produces several series of Partagas cigars, different sizes and flavors, from this menu, choose almost every smoker of cigars. In this there are also a wide range of highly rated cigars. Such as limited edition Partagas Serie D Especial Limited Edition 2010, or the relatively new series E. Between our articles you can read review of the cigar bar Partagas 898, Partagas Corona Junior, Partagas Deluxe, Partagas Mille Fleurs or Partagas Serie D No. 4.
The story will end up there, where we began, Partagas cigar factory in . The factory is in If you are interested you can check it out. It is a very interesting attraction for tourists, but also an important source of livelihood of the local population. Partagas factory alone produces around five million cigars annually. The factory is located in and marketing of cigars and cigar lounge, where you can enjoy a cigar.
Finally, one very good advice. If you enjoy a holiday in Cuba, most certainly you will encounter with street vendors of counterfeit cigars. If you are interested in high-quality cigars, whether for yourself or as a gift, buy only in state stores. Do not be deceived, fairy-tales about, that cigars can be from the factory lead, as to the second-tier goods, the quality corresponds to the price.
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