Cigars | Cigar Accessories


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Cigars - Cigar accessories

Cestovní humidor Xikar Xi 15

Xikar je značka dobře známá i mezi českými kuřáky pro kvalitní příslušenství jako jsou zapalovače, ořezávače, nůžky a také cestovní humidory.

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Ceramic ashtrays on cigars

About a year ago, we started to think about their own popelnících. Now we are happy to share with you the joy of the final product, you could already…
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Xikar Xi1 cutter on cigars

I recently wrote about the cigar Xikar lighters Executive, This time, I would like to inform you about the ořezávači, as well as those it has chosen mainly due to the…
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Case for cigars

Case for cigars is a widely used supplement for transfer of a cigar. Most of the leather cases for two or three cigars, Some have a Fanny Pack on the guillotine.…
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Ashtrays on cigars

Cigar ashtrays are much more convenient than regular cigarette, their shape and size is provided for the amount of ash, which cigar when smoking produces. Cigar ashtrays may be…
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