Cigars - Humidors
Hygrometer in humidoru
Hygrometers are instruments for measuring the humidity of air. Hygrometers are an integral part of every humidoru on the cigars as well as moisturizers. Hygrometers are delivered to most humidorů analog,…
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Boxes of cigars
Boxes of cigars is a lay term for Humidors, Therefore, the box on the cigars, Thanks to the transposition is a constant humidity, for this purpose, use a humidifier,…
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Humidifier crystalline
Crystalline humidifiers are a modern way to maintain moisture in humidoru on cigars. Krystaly mají velice dobré schopnosti regulace vlhkosti a mohou na rozdíl od houbičkového…
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Humidifier gel
Gel humidifiers are a novelty in the area of humidorů on the cigars. Operate on the same principle as the crystalline moisturizers and have the same benefits. Nevýhody u tohoto typu…
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Digital hygrometers
Digital hygrometers are already an integral part of most smokers of cigars, as to the exact tool to detect the current humidity in humidoru. Digital hygrometers are usually more expensive than…
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