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The invitation for the cigar night

Pozvánka na doutníkový večer

Another of doutníkových nights, which organises the company Cigar Point, shall be made 28.6.2012 Golf Club Hostivař. The evening should be thematically dedicated to Mexico, Therefore, tequila and Mexican cigars, with photo coverage for doutníkových factories, summer snacks and competition in the golf swing.

The first action: Cigar night at the lounge Paukert

The second action: Cigar night at the pub U sv. Tomé

Organizer: Cigar Point s.

Place: Golf Club Hostivař, Hornoměcholupská 565, Prague 10

Term: 28.6.2012 from 19hod.

Reservation required:

Dinner: 690CZK (tapas, 2x cigar, 2x and 2 x soft drink)

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