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Invitation to the Cigar night at the tavern for sv. Tomé

Pozvánka na Doutníkový večer v pivnici U sv. Tomáše

In order the second cigar Soirée will be held 12.4.2012 This time in the dungeons of the Prague environment leading hotel The Augustine from the Charles Bridge.

Previous Events: Cigar night at the lounge Paukert

Organizer: Cigar Point s.

Place: Hotel The Augustine, U St. Tomé, Letenská 12/33, Prague 1

Term: 12.4.2012 from 19hod.

The Capacity Of The: 30, reservations required

Dinner: 690CZK (tapas, 2x cigar, 2x and 2 x soft drink)


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